Southlink is a network of organisations and individuals engaged in ways of thinking that are alternative to Western universalism.
The promotion of paradigms that are alternative to Western universalism has increased in recent years with many new research centres and individuals producing what might loosely be called ‘southern thinking’. This does not imply a consensus of ideas and there are strong regional variations. However, it is underpinned by a broad solidarity by thought challenged by the uneven distribution of intellectual resources.
Southern Perspectives was established to help promote engagement with southern thought in Australia. As a predominantly Northern culture located in the South, we face the challenge of overcoming the colonial mentality that prevents full dialogue with other settler colonial cultures.
Southlink is a listing of organisations and individuals. The immediate purpose is to offer a means of connecting with the broad diversity of thought and practice in this area. The listing consists of:
- Name of individual or title of organisation
- Website address
- One sentence description of content
To submit an entry, fill in this form. If you would like the listed details changed, please email
Those who are part of this list are welcome to include a logo on their website, including a link to this list –
– list
You are also welcome to subscribe to an email list where you can send and receive notices of upcoming events. To do this go here, or send an email to
If there is sufficient future interest, there is potential to develop network events, such as a conference.