Current Stories
Review of The Good University - The Good University considers the evolution of the corporate model that has largely replaced the mortarboard with the business suit. The new ideal is a smart suited man or woman who can invoke the unlimited horizons that inspire capital, including new technologies and global markets. The global South is changing how knowledge is made, shared and used - In the past few decades, there’s been more critique of global knowledge inequalities and the global North’s dominance. News of an important new contribution to southern theory edited by Fran Collyer, João Maia, Raewyn Connell and Robert Morrell. Source: The global South is changing how knowledge is made, shared and used
The call from South symposium – Slow down! - The Epistemologies of the South symposium was held at Sydney University on 14 April. It received an extraordinary response. Some of the sessions were standing room only.
People’s Tribunal book launch - You are invited to celebrate the launch of a new publication from the Aboriginal Humanities Project in association with Discipline The People’s Tribunal: An Inquiry into the ‘Business Improvement Program’ at The University of Melbourne The book will be launched by Helen Johnson on Thursday 18 February from 6 to 8 pm at West Space, Level 1, 225 Bourke Street,
Melbourne, Vic, 3000
Roze a Wail’: Whales, Whaling and Dreaming - The conference is grounded in Indigenous peoples’ connection with whales through ritual, song and story; and post-contact, their involvement in the whaling industry and the impact of whaling on their lives and culture.
A South American perspective on the ‘rise’ of China - In the context of plural international dynamics, the idea of “rise” can be replaced by the notion of “presence”, as a point of departure to elaborate explanations about China according to the South American context. Both rise and presence would be complementary dynamics carried out into what Amitav Acharya has called “a multiplex world”
An-other way of being in the contemporary world - On Wednesday 29th of July, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Dr Rigoberta Menchú Tum delivered the UNESCO Chair for Cultural Diversity and Social Justice Annual Oration at Deakin University. Menchú Tum spoke on the guiding principles of her philosophy and of her ancestral knowledge – a model for another way of thinking.