All posts by mzantsi

Indigenous and Decolonizing Studies in Education | Mapping the Long View 

Linda Tuhiwai Smith has co-edited a new volume on decolonisation and education, including perspectives across Moana and the Americas.

“to say water is life, land is our first teacher, and to ignore Indigenous presence and relationship with those lands and waters, is to miss the point entirely. Indigenous feminist scholarship has been especially careful to remind: there is no decolonization without Indigenous presence on Indigenous land and waters.”

Source: Indigenous and Decolonizing Studies in Education | Mapping the Long View | Taylor & Francis Group

Call for papers on Southern Epistemologies

Source: Red Multidisciplinar sobre Pueblos Indígenas

Ninth Multidisciplinary Conference on Indigenous Peoples entitled “Territories in dispute: epistemologies, resistances, spiritualities and rights”, on 30/31 May and 1 June 2018 at the University College Roosevelt, Utrecht University (Middelburg, the Netherlands).

It welcomes papers on a variety of themes, including Southern Epistemologies: territories, political ecology and the Buen Vivir (Good Life)

Criminology, Southern Theory and Cognitive Justice 

In the contemporary world of high-speed communication technologies and porous national borders, empire building has shifted from colonizing territories to colonizing knowledge. Hence the question of whose voices, experiences and theories are reflected in discourse is more important now than ever before. Yet the global production of knowledge in the social sciences is, like the distribution of wealth, income and power, structurally skewed towards the global North. This collection seeks to initiate the task of closing that gap by opening discursive spaces that bridge current global divides and inequities in the production of knowledge. This chapter provides an overview of criminologies of the global periphery and introduces readers to the diverse contributions on and from the global South that challenge how we think and do criminology and justice.

Source: Criminology, Southern Theory and Cognitive Justice | SpringerLink

Pensamiento del Sur

The second edition of an important journal of southern thinking has just been published. Articles cover critical thinking about the role of cities in building peace.

PENSAMIENTO DEL SUR, Es una revista cientí­fica arbitrada de publicación digital, su enfoque se establece en publicaciones de artí­culos empí­ricos, teóricos, metodológicos, estudios de caso, reseñas de literatura y pósteres académicos y su alcance en los campos científicos de: Ciencias Económicas, Pensamiento Complejo, Ciencias de la Complejidad, Economia Ecológica y Geoeconomía.

Source: Pensamiento del Sur

Editorial Statement | Decolonising Design

A new network has emerged out of the discipline of design research to further the goal of southern thinking in how we create and manage our worlds.

We welcome all of those who work silently and surely on the edges and outskirts of the discipline to join and contribute to conversations that question and critique the politics of design practice today, where we can discuss strategies and tactics through which to engage with more mainstream discourse, and where we can collectively postulate alternatives and reformulations of contemporary practice.

Source: Editorial Statement | Decolonising Design

The Political Enlightenment: A View from the South

Professor Akeel Bilgrami will be presenting a seminar on Monday May 30th at 2 pm in Building 10, level 14, room 201

In this lecture Akeel Bilgrami will consider the ideals of the political Enlightenment from a more distant perspective than their framework allows, first by diagnosing some of their vexed limitations and then reconfiguring them with resources not obviously available in that framework

Professor Bilgrami is the Sidney Morgenbesser Professor of Philosophy, Columbia University and Faculty member of the Committee on Global Thought. His books include Belief and Meaning (Blackwell, 1992), Self Knowledge and Resentment (Harvard University Press, 2006), Secularism, Identity, and Enchantment (Harvard University Press, 2014).  He is currently working on two books to be published in the very near future, one called What is a Muslim? (Princeton University Press) and another on Gandhi’s philosophy, situating Gandhi’s thought in seventeenth century dissent in England and Europe and more broadly within the Radical Enlightenment and the radical strand in the Romantic tradition (Columbia University Press).