
Buen Vivir in Melbourne

Ecuador Vive (Association of Ecuadorian students in Melbourne) with the support of the Embassy of Ecuador in Australia have the pleasure to invite you to 2nd edition of the conference: “Ecuadorian Ideas That Matter”

The aim of the conference is to promote ideas, academic research papers and technological innovations of Ecuadorian students in Australia. The conference will revolve around several topics including human rights, health, innovation and the rights of nature.

Date: 2 June, from 2:00 a 5:00 pm.
Place: University of Melbourne, Gryphon Gallery, GSA Building (1888),
A degustation of Ecuadorian traditional food will take place during the event.
RSVP: 28 May 2014

Theories of the South: Limits and perspectives of an emergent movement in social sciences

Theories of the South: Limits and perspectives of an emergent movement in social sciences.

Brazilian sociologist Marcelo Rosa has published an important critique of social theory (download), comparing the approaches of Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Jean and John Comaroff and Raewyn Connell. Though he singles out Connell as an approach that allows for alternative southern voices, he concludes from their differing uses of theories an inconsistency in the notion of ‘southern theory’. In reference to the French sociologists Boltanski and Chiapello, he describes this use of south as a ‘circumstantial project’. As such, Rosa is vulnerable to the same critique he has levelled at others in marginalising southern perspectives by contrast to northern theory. Diversity of approaches does not necessarily imply contradictions in the field. They can indicate a dynamic argument that is activating an alternative field of inquiry.

RIP Mbulelo Mzamane (1948 – 2014)

An inspiring voice of the South has passed on.  Mbulelo Mzamane was described by the late Nelson Mandela as a ‘visionary leader and one of South Africa’s greatest intellectuals. As opening keynote speaker for the South Project Melbourne gathering, his vision helped define the course of its future journey. His legacy lives on in his stirring allegory of reconciliation and his rallying call for a ‘return of the common’.

RIP Mbulelo Mzamane (1948 – 2014) | Books LIVE.