Category Archives: Conference

Global South: A Colloquium

“Global South: A Colloquium” – presented by the Institute of the Humanities and Global Cultures, November 16-19, 2016
University of Virginia

November 16, 2016

Keynote Speakers

“Afro-Atlantic Genealogies of the Global South”
Laurent Dubois (History and Romance Studies, Duke University)
Wednesday, November 16, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Nau Hall 101

Plenary Panel: “Southern Theory”
Juan Obarrio (Anthropology, Johns Hopkins University)

Sarah Nuttall (Literary and Cultural Studies, University of the Witwatersrand)

Moderated by Ian Baucom (Buckner W. Clay Dean of Arts & Sciences, University of Virginia)

Thursday, November 17, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Nau Hall 101

“Poetry, the Global South, and the Migration of Form”
Jahan Ramazani (University of Virginia)
Friday, November 18, 4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
New Cabell Hall 236

“Where Next? The Global South Out West,” Tsitsi Jaji (English, Duke University)
Saturday, November 19, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
New Cabell Hall 236

Historically, the idea of the ‘Global South’ can be traced to the Brandt Report of 1980, which posited a divide between countries of the North and South according to technological development, GDP, and standard of living. A cultural genealogy of the term stretches back even further to the 1955 Africa-Asia Conference in Bandung, Indonesia, which inaugurated ‘Third World’ collaborations, decolonization movements, and heralded a sustained engagement with the postcolonial as an historical epoch.

Notwithstanding these specific genealogies, ‘Global South’ today appears as an unsettled and unsettling frame from which to contemplate the world. Some think of it as a post-Cold War era replacement for the ‘Third World’ (and so primarily covering Africa, Latin America, South and Southeast Asia, but not Europe, America and the Mediterranean worlds), while others use it synonymously with the idea of underdevelopment and deprivation wherever these are found. Yet others see it as a ‘frontier in the unfolding history of neoliberal capitalism’ and a window from which to grasp the conditions of intelligibility of our global present: historical, cultural, aesthetic, political, environmental, biomedical and technological. The antinomy with the more privileged Global North persists both in the domain of political economy and in culturalist perceptions of a decolonial reinvention and invigoration of non-Western lifeworlds.

As will be obvious from the above, the idea of the ‘Global South’ has varied inflections across the disciplines. An economist’s understanding of it does not converge with that of a historian or a literary scholar or even that of a media specialist. At the same time, the paradigmatic force of the term is not in doubt, one that makes intelligible larger constellations of meaning beyond the specific historicity of its origins in a postcolonial and post-Cold War world. The Global South currently exists at the confluence of and tension between systems of knowledge and ways of conceptualizing space, habitations, cultures, aesthetics and political economy. Our colloquium will explore the many dimensions of this concept – philosophical, historical, political, spatial and aesthetic – as they inform contemporary scholarship.

Source: “Global South: A Colloquium” – presented by the Institute of the Humanities and Global Cultures, November 16-19, 2016 | IHGC

Alice invites you to a (northern) Summer School

The Third Edition of the International Summer School “Epistemologies of the South” is a collective space designed to meet, experience, discuss and broaden Epistemologies of the South. This school includes Boaventura de Sousa Santos, author of the epistemological proposal that gives its name to the course, researchers from the Alice project, as well as invited speakers that dialogue with the themes and perspectives under discussion. Among the latter is the well-known philosopher, political thinker and musician Lewis Gordon, along with artists and activists who will challenge and broaden the way we think and feel the world.

June 22 to 30, 2017, Curia (Portugal)

Roze a Wail’: Whales, Whaling and Dreaming

Roze a Wail’: Whales, Whaling and Dreaming
29-30 September 2016
Australian Indigenous Studies
The University of Melbourne
The conference is grounded in Indigenous peoples’ connection with whales through ritual, song and story; and post-contact, their involvement in the whaling industry and the impact of whaling on their lives and culture. The conference encourages diverse contexts for discussion; for example, historical, sociological, cultural, literary, philosophical, scientific, artistic, ecological and economic perspectives.
As well as papers that present Indigenous stories of whales and whaling, we are also interested in representations of Indigenous peoples and practices in literature, film and visual art. Key texts in this area might include Kim Scott’s That Deadman Dance, Herman Melville’s Moby Dick and the novel and film of Witi Ihimaera’s The Whale Rider.
We especially welcome contributions that combine analysis with the experiential narratives of whales and nature-based lifestyles.
Expressions of interest should be sent to the Secretary, ‘Roze a Wail’ conference at <>. A formal call for papers will be made in early 2016.
We thank Kim Scott for his permission to use ‘Roze a Wail’ (quoted from the opening pages of That Deadman Dance) as our conference title.

Mapping Connections: Australia and Latin America 

Sarah Walsh will be convening a seminar with Dr Fernanda Peñaloza of the Spanish and Latin American Studies Department on 16-17 July 2015. Mapping Connections: Australia and Latin America will investigate affinities, connections, and tensions in the south-south axis between Australia and Latin America. Participants will explore how Latin America is imagined, created, and approached in the trajectories of Australian scholarship.Source: Mapping Connections | Race and Ethnicity in the Global South

Imaginar América Latina – conference on visual arts

Imaginar América Latina: pasado y presente de los Estudios Visuales.

IV Encuentro Internacional de Estudios Visuales Latinoamericanos

A celebrar en junio de 2015 (fechas exactas a confirmar) en Querétaro (México).

Organiza: Red de Estudios Visuales Latinoamericanos (ReVLaT).
Los estudios visuales tienen como objetivo principal el análisis crítico de las imágenes y las prácticas de la visualidad, al tiempo que abordan la producción de significado cultural por medio de ésta. En este sentido, los estudios visuales requieren de la interacción con otros campos del saber, como la antropología cultural, los estudios culturales, los abordajes decoloniales, la comunicación social, la literatura y el cine, los estudios curatoriales, la fotografía o los referentes patrimoniales, entre otros muchos.
Por su parte, los estudios visuales latinoamericanos requieren de un acercamiento al contexto de nuestras regiones y realidades nacionales teniendo en cuenta sus especificidades sociales, políticas y geo-estéticas. Así, los estudios visuales latinoamericanos se insertan en un escenario global, con el objetivo de impulsar los análisis críticos frente a una lectura unívoca y no diversa de nuestras realidades. Además, se alejan de los tópicos y mitos que han convertido la región en “exótica realidad”.
El IV Encuentro Internacional de Estudios Visuales Latinoamericanos: Imaginar América Latina, tiene la finalidad de reunir investigadores, especialistas y estudiantes internacionales que han hecho suyos los temas relativos al estudio de la imagen y la cultura visual latinoamericana. En esta ocasión, el Encuentro centrará su atención en la discusión de las diferentes líneas temáticas que, en conjunto, conforman el panorama actual de los estudios visuales latinoamericanos. El objetivo será debatir sobre el pasado y el presente de la actual cultura visual latinoamericana, destacando y caracterizando sus señas de identidad, los referentes históricos que han llevado a conformar un campo propio de investigación, los lazos que la unen a procesos sociales y culturales que se han dado a lo largo de su historia y las crisis de identidad que ha atravesado en su desarrollo. Esto puede ser abordado tanto a través de estudios de caso, como de propuestas teóricas o metodológicas más generales.
El IV Encuentro Internacional de Estudios Visuales Latinoamericanos, organizado por la Red de Estudios Visuales Latinoamericanos (ReVLaT) se desarrollará en varias sesiones organizadas en mesas, de acuerdo a las coincidencias temáticas y/o metodológicas de las ponencias seleccionadas. Tendrá lugar en Querétaro (México), en el mes de junio de 2015.
Las propuestas deberán incluir los siguientes elementos: título, breve biografía académica del autor (máx. 500 palabras), datos de contacto, resumen (máx. 600 palabras), cinco palabras clave y el texto completo de la ponencia (máx. 5.000 palabras, unas 8 páginas). Deberán ser enviadas hasta el 5 de febrero de 2015 a:
Las ponencias tratarán de los diversos temas que son propios de los estudios visuales y la cultura visual, siempre dentro del marco cultural denominado América Latina, lo que incluye también aquellas expresiones que, no perteneciendo al área geográfica, comparten e impulsan un referente cultural latinoamericano. Se podrán abarcar todos los medios de expresión que conciernen a la imagen. El tiempo máximo de exposición será de veinte minutos.

Connell’s farewell lecture: The knowledge industry and counter-power

In this anti-inaugural lecture, Raewyn will explore the classic problem of the relationship between intellectuals and power.  She will discuss the changing shape of knowledge systems and professional work, explore the tensions in the contemporary knowledge industry, and propose democratic agendas for intellectual workers.  All in forty minutes!

Professor Raewyn Connell, BA (Melb), PhD (Syd), holds a University Chair in the University of Sydney. She has previously held posts at the University of California at Santa Cruz, Macquarie University in Sydney, and Flinders University in Adelaide. She has held visiting posts at the University of Toronto, Harvard University, and Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Raewyn is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia, a recipient of the American Sociological Association’s award for distinguished contribution to the study of sex and gender, and of the Australian Sociological Association’s award for distinguished service to sociology in Australia. Raewyn’s teaching fields have included general sociology, social theory, sociology of education, gender relations, sexuality, and research methods.

Raewyn’s work is widely cited in social science and humanities publications internationally. Four of her books were listed among the 10 most influential books in Australian sociology. She is frequently invited to give keynote addresses at conferences and seminars, including events in Canada, Switzerland, Germany, Senegal and Britain.

Event details

  • When:5.00pm – 6.30pm
  • Where:The Great Hall
    The Quadrangle
    The University of Sydney
    University maps
  • Cost:Free and open to all with online registration requested
  • RSVP:Register online now by entering your details at the bottom of the page. Click ‘register’ once and wait for the screen to refresh. You will receive a confirmation email in your inbox shortly after.
  • Contact:Sydney Ideas
    T| 9351 2943