How to make an art of the Kyoto Protocol
Talking about cultural collaboration today
The Kyoto Protocol involves a re-negotiation of the relation between rich and poor countries. What role do artists play in this new dialogue? How does engagement with the South shift from one-way cultural extraction to two-way collaboration? How does climate change alter the horizon of cultural intervention?
Please join Kevin Murray and contributors to the ‘After the Missionaries’ issue of Artlink, including Neil Fettling, Emily Potter, Helen Vivian and Kelly Fliedner as they discuss the changing ground for art in the world.
Thursday 27 August 7:30pm
Institute of Postcolonial Studies
78-80 Curzon Street North Melbourne
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Neil Fettling is an artist and Senior Lecturer in the School of Visual Arts and Design at La Trobe University, Mildura campus. He participated in a residency at Ateneo de Manila University in the Philippines in 2006/2007.
Kelly Fliedner is Program Coordinator of live arts organization Punctum, based in Castlemaine, is a member of the Program Committee at West Space and recently become Magazine Coordinator of un Magazine based in Melbourne
Emily Potter is a Research Fellow in the School of Communication and Creative Arts, Deakin University
Helen Vivian is an independent writer, editor and curator. Her most recent book is ‘When You Think About Art: The Ewing and George Paton Collections 1971-2008’ Macmillan Art Publishing, Melbourne, 2008
Kevin Murray is Adjunct Professor of RMIT University, Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne and Adjunct Research Fellow at Monash University